Måske kan du bruge dette til noget?
1 Download Darik's Boot and Nuke and burn the ISO CD image
2 Power down your PC
3 Install the new HDD into said PC
4 Start up the PC and boot up to the DBAN CD
5 DBAN will boot up to a blue screen, with a series of options using the Function Keys, press "ENTER" to continue
6 Now you will see a selection of HDDs (and partitions, if applicable)
7 Press "M" on your keyboard, and move the arrow cursor to "Quick Wipe" and press the "Spacebar"
8 On the upper left hand corner, the method should state "quick wipe"
9 Then using the "space bar" and "arrow keys", select which drive you wish to wipe, in this case, the new HDD that was just acquired
10 Then press "F10" to start the process. There is no warning prompt, please be sure that you have selected the CORRECT drive to wipe.
11 Reboot to windows